Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Vacation Part 2

WOW!! Didn't realize how long this post would take! Oh well. Moving on then. After the Aquarium and the Lexington on Friday everyone was pretty tired!! Although we did jump in the pool for a while! LOL! Afterwards we hit the sack. Saturday morning we all woke up a little later than usual. :) Which wasn't a bad thing. First things first, Jonathan, Jake and I went to the store to find a strapless bathing suit for me. And for the boys to find a cap or two! Finally after about an hour or so, we finished shopping and headed back to the house. (Rhea stayed with Michelle to help cook breakfast.) Once we got back we ate and slowly started packing for the Beach. In the mean time, Michelle had gotten a phone call from Blair. Blair, J.C.(my brother), and his buddy got stranded on the boat. The motor decided to quit working. After making a few phone calls we had someone on the way to help. By that time we had loaded everything up and headed to the beach. We could've just walked it was probably 1/2 a mile but since we had everything loaded down, coolers, canopy, chairs, kiddos, we did it the easy way!
The Beach was gorgeous!! There was some seaweed, but the water was beautiful!!! Even I got in the water! It was pretty hot though! When we first got there, the kids played in the sand. They made sea turtles, a stingray, and a giant castle! We also found lots of neat seashells, crabshells, and barnacles. There were lots of people on the beach!! Jacob and Rhea had a blast! We stayed out there pretty much all day. We went back to the house around 4:30. Here are some pictures of us at the Beach:

Playing in the sand making sea turtles

Rhea's seaturtle

Working on a stingray now

Jacob and his 'huge' castle

Rhea and Jake in the ocean

Jacob showing me his barnacle

LOL!! Only Corpus would you see this!!!

My lil' fishy swimming..

Jacob having a blast

Loving the water


Buring Rhea in the sand

Crazy girl!

Getting out of the sand....

Ewww!!!! Sandy Girl!

Look at all that Sand!


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