Thursday, July 21, 2011

Rheanna's First Communion

Rheanna had a big year when it comes to religion. She had a lot to catch up, since she had never been before. Luckily for me, she absolutely loved it! We first started the CCE program in September. In 2nd grade is when they receive their first Communion. But since she had not gone last year when she was in 1st grade she missed a step, First Reconciliation. This was not a problem though. There were many kids her age and older, that needed to complete this step as well. So starting in January every Wednesday she would go to her catch up class at 5:30 and then at 6:30 go to her regular CCE class til 7:45. Whew! That is a lot for a little/big one her age. But she did it, without complaining. She really enjoys learning more about her faith. Which is a great thing for me! Anyhow on May 15th at a special Noon Mass, surrounded by many loved ones she received her First Communion. She looked absolutely stunning! Afterwards we went to So & Mo's house, where we had a fabulous lunch that Mo had BBQ'd. He always does an EXCELLENT job! We had many special guest join us as well, Grandma Drapela, Granny(Mary Ann), Uncle James, Shawn, and Aiden. Dawn and Braden. My Aunt Ruth and Uncle Butch. and of course us! Here are a few pics!

Rheanna entering the Church

Rheannas huge First Communion group

Beautiful Angel!

Daddy's Lil Angel!

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