Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One Jammin' Weekend!

                                             Jacob and Rhea at Monster Truck Jam!

Saturday was an eventful day! My Mom and I went shopping in the early morning for Vegas clothes! Very excited we both found a dress and got some other bargain buys while we were there!! So excited for Vegas only 7 more days! After I got back me and Jonathan got the kids cleaned up and headed to the Monster Truck Jam! The kids had no idea where we were was their surprise! It was a very peaceful ride up there both of the kids fell asleep, so me and Jonathan got to actually talk in peace in quiet......and how nice it was! When we got closer to the Reliant Stadium Rhea woke up and Jacob....well...we were still trying to wake him up when we got to the Stadium! LOL! It was so cold once we stepped out of the car! Brrr! I was power walking the kids so we could get to our seats! Which luckily they were down low so we didn't have to walk very far! We grabbed a coke and sprite to drink which by the way is such a rip off! But I'm sure you already know that! Got to our seats just in time for us to settle down and get situated before the show! It was a great show! And the kids really enjoyed it!

Daddy and Jake at Monster Truck Jam
Rheanna and me at the Monster Truck Jam!

The show was really cool and I enjoyed it just as much as the kids did! This was Jacob and my first time to go. Rheanna and Jonathan have gone before and were so excited to go back and see the action!

The beginning of the show

The original Gravedigger!

The original Gravedigger doing a jump and the current Gravedigger crashed by the wall!

We had such a blast and will definitely be going back next year! Although I have to figure out how to get out of the parking lot a lot faster than what it took us this time. It was so jammed packed that when we got to our car we waited 30 min. in our parking spot cause the traffic was so bad we couldn't get out. Rheanna even told me "Kimmie, just turn off the car so we can save on gas." LOL! So funny, I guess my bargain shopping and saving money is coming out in her! At least she is learning from the best!! LOL!
Well until next time.......God Bless!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Kids say the darndest things!

We had a lots of fun last weekend. Friday when we got home the party planner (Rheanna) wanted to decorate and have a party outside at the tree they always play at, in Grandpa Eides' front yard. She went into my craft box got out some streamers and balloons, and started decorating the tree. I had went inside for a few minutes and then Jonathan came in and asked "Did you tell the kids they could play music in your car?" Me: "No, what are they doing?" Jonathan: " Well, they have their music blaring in your car!" Me: " What?! What are they listening to?" Jonathan: "Their CD from Vacation Bible School." Me: " Well in that case, turn it up, they can blare that kind of music all they want! LOL!". When I came back outside they were dancing and decorating. Jacob then preceded to get in the car on the drivers seat and listen to the music. He was pretending that he was driving. It was so funny! Then he hung outside the window and started talking to us. Jacob told us " I'm going to go drive with NO drivers license and No seat belt!" Me: "The cops are going to get you then!" Jacob: "No, they won't cause I will put the car in the drive and go VROOM!!!!! They can't catch me!" I was laughing so hard I couldn't stop! He is a smart little toot! At this time the fire siren started, I told him, "I told you! They are coming to get you!" Jacob: "No! They are going to Granny's house! But they will just drive by there, they won't stop." ......I swear the things that come out of his mouth are priceless! Afterwards we headed to the ELKS lodge to go eat supper with my parents. It was a great supper, and the kids had lots of fun playing with Aaron, Kinley, and Shelby.

Saturday we headed to Rosenberg and Sealy to look at trailers, we found one but our hearts aren't set on it..yet! So we will continue to keep looking. Mom came by and visited a little bit after she got off of work, then we called it a night.

Sunday we got up and went to church and then came back home and ate supper. Grant and James came over to the house also. We all visited and the kids enjoyed seeing Uncle Grant! Jacob of course made everyone laugh once again. We were all sitting on the couch talking and Jacob came into the room and went up to Uncle Grant and said, "You are wearing a girlie necklace!" We all started busting out laughing. I am telling you he is a character!! Grant and James left about 2, and then we had some family time. Mary Ann came over later that evening and ate supper with us, which was very nice! I told her she needs to come over more often! Then Chase called and asked if Rhea, and Jake could go stay the night with them. I told them that was fine since they didn't have school in the morning, but I needed to talk to Aunt Dawn about this first! (They had just gotten back from North Dakota late last night) Me and Dawn talked and she said it was fine, I don't know how she does it. If I had just gotten back home from a trip I wouldn't have wanted anyone to come over, I know she had to be dead tired! But, off we went to Aunt Dawn's house!

Monday after work I went and picked up the kids, they had a good time like always with their cousins and Aunt Dawn. Although I had to get on to Rheanna for acting up a few times. She has been acting out lately, but we talked and discipline was put in order for talking back and having an attitude. Apparently the talking and discipline we set out for her is working, cause she has been super good lately! So good that we are surprising them with a trip to Houston on Saturday to see the Monster Truck Jam! This week has been pretty good with the exception of Jacob having to go to the doctor. He woke up Wednesday morning limping around and not in a good mood. He complained that his toe was hurting. I looked at it, and it looked like he had a dry skin crack under his toe. But I couldn't see very good cause he kept squirming around and crying so I put some Neospirin on it and covered it with a band-aid, and we left for school. About 2 or 3 Mary Ann called and said his toe was really hurting him and it looked all red. When I got home I looked at it and was a little concerned I thought it must be an infection. So the next morning Jonathan took him to the doctor, it was confirmed, that it was infected and he got 2 shots and some antibiotics. Poor thing, the shots really hurt him, but he was a trooper about it all. Although he did love the pampering. When I got home yesterday he showed me where he got his shots and was running around playing, so I knew he felt a lot better! He has been fine ever since, but does not like the medicine he has to take. He told Rheanna that it tasted HORRIBLE and yucky! But he is good about taking his medicine even if he doesn't like it and that I make him take the whole cup full and rinse it water and drink it again just to make sure he got all of it. Even this morning he told me "Thank you Kimmie for giving me my medicine, even though I don't like it!"....Hey, at least he is using his manners!

This weekend should be lots of fun. Me and Mom are going shopping in the morning for clothes for Vegas! Yay! I'm so excited! When I get back we will leave and head to the Monster Truck Jam! I have never been but hear it is lots of fun! We shall see.......
Until next time......God Bless!

P.S. I promise to get some pictures this weekend of the kids. I haven't posted any in a while!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Taking it Easy...

Well this week we haven't done too much. We have been on the go so much that we needed some relaxing time and time to spend as just a family. The kids always want to stay with their SoSo and Mo that we haven't been spending actual quality time with them. But this week however we got that quality time!

Last week Jonathan had been working a lot of overtime and getting home late. This week however he has been getting off fairly early, so he can pick up the kids and spend some time with them before I get home. Monday we started something new! I had bought a small dry-erase board, to write notes and reminders and also a Menu for the week. (I had a friend in San Antonio that did this and she said it saved her lots of money.) Me and Rheanna planned out what we would eat for the week, she really enjoyed helping with this, and she really likes the menu plan. She likes to know what is going on all the time, so this helps me a little more to let her know what exactly we are having and for each night. So far the menu planner has been a great success. The money saver behind it is to plan out your meals for the week, buy what food you need if you don't already have it, and that's it! This way you don't have to go to store every other day and you are only buying what you need and not over spending. We will see how everything goes over the month and I will let you know whether or not it worked! (Hopeful that it does! :)

Anyways besides sticking to our menu planner, we have spent most of our time inside, which is very weird for all of us. I love to be outside and not cooped up in the house, but it has been too darn cold outside. I really dislike this cold weather, if its below 60 I'm not liking it!! I would rather sweat my butt off then be cold. I guess that is why me and Jonathan and the kids get a long so well. They love to be outside as well! I can't wait for spring and summer to come! We have spent most of our time curled up on the couch and watching movies. There was one day this week I come home to a dark and quiet house, very unusual! I opened the door Jonathan, Jacob, and Rheanna, all sitting on the couch in the dark with the candles lit and watching a movie. I told all of them hi and gave 'em kisses then headed to our room to change. As I was changing I was trying to figure out what movie they were watching.....finally I asked from our room "What are yall watching?" I said loudly. The response I got was  " Shhhh! We are watching a Discovery movie about animals in Africa" I just chuckled to myself.  'Well at least they are quiet and interested in it and its educational' And besides Jacob being silly and talking, and talking, and talking, life as been normal. Rheanna still acts like an animal all the time, hopefully she will become a vet! And Jacob just talks and always wants to help in the kitchen. Every day I'm in the kitchen he runs in there, "Kimmie, can I help? Please? Can I help?" Even if it is just to help make tea he's got to help. At least I know he will be a good cook! LOL!

                                            Daddy and the kids tickling/wrestling playing!

Well we will see how the weekend goes. Saturday we plan on going to Rosenberg then Sealy, hope the kids will be on their best behavior, so we can get some stuff done! Maybe Sunday Jonathan can make some hamburgers, I sure have been wanting some!!!!!!

Well until next time...........God Bless!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

After the Holidays....

Well it has been a while since I got back on! We have been busy and I am just now finding the time to sit down, and write a few things. So here it goes!

Christmas was AWESOME!! We went to Hillje mass on Christmas Eve with my parents and surprise, surprise, Santa came to my parents house while we were gone! The kids got lots of presents and so did me and Jonathan. It was a very nice night and had lots of fun with them but we had to pack up and head to our house so the kids could get to sleep before Santa got there! Haha!

Jake at So & Mo's Christmas Eve
                                                       Rhea at So & Mo's Christmas Eve

                                Jake can now help SoSo in the kitchen with his own pan and utensils! Its actually real stuff he can bake with! Just in a small size for him to handle! So Cool!

                                          Jonathan with all his fishing gear clothes from Mom and Dad

                                            Me and Jonathan at Christmas Eve

Mom and Dad Christmas Eve

The next morning, I was ready to get up! I woke up at 6, then 6:30, then 7, then 7:30, by 7:45 I couldn't take it any longer, so I rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. I guess Jake heard me and came into our room. Still half way asleep he said in awe..."Kimmie, Santa came!"  Me: " How do you know?"  Jake: "Come here, look at all the presents!" Me: "Wow!" Jake: "This one is mine, I know because it has a J on it!" Me: " Well we can't open any of them until everyone is awake.....So....Go Wake Everyone Up!!!" Finally after dragging Jonathan out of bed and getting my camcorder ready we starting opening presents. It was great to see both of them light up about each present. Jake got a C.D., an 18-wheeler full of cars, a BB gun, Rocket Balloons, Balls, Rain Suit, Football, a few other things, and the best investment I ever made his Kidizoom Digital Camera! He absolutely loves it, he just walks around the house and outside taking pictures of everything! Rheanna got a Bop-It, Toy Hamster with ball, Rain Suit, Bracelet Maker, Kidizoom Digital Camera, Rocket Balloons, BB/Pellet Gun with scope, and few other things. They got lots of fun toys. They also got a present together from me and Jonathan, Its a huge ball with clear windows all around it with 2 holes for them to climb into and roll around! They loved that as well and wanted us to blow it up right away! But we had to wait for another day, we still had to go to Aunt Linda's Christmas Breakfast and Grandma Drapelas Christmas! Aunt Linda's breakfast was great just a smaller group this year from what I'm told, but it sure was nice. I'm usually not a breakfast kind of person, but let me tell you it was delicious!!! From there we headed on to Grandma Drapelas, it was crazy as always but we did have a great time and even got a special visitor this year! SANTA!! He came inside and handed out presents this year to all the little ones! Really neat!! Overall we had an awesome Christmas!

                                            Rhea and Jake in the blow up ball!
The ball is just about Rheas height!

The whole next week after Christmas I was off of work. So I got to stay home with the kids and become a house wife/ stay at home mommy for a week. The first two days I was super busy cleaning and trying to get everything done off my 'to do list'. By Wednesday I was ready to go back to work, not because of the kids but because of all the house work stuff!! But everything was finished on the list by that day and now some real fun could happen. The rest of the week was full of adventures. The kids cousins Chase and Braden came and stayed the night at our house! It was tons of fun and Braden did great, it was his first time to stay the night anywhere, he woke up in the middle of the night but then went back to bed. We went to Victoria too and did some shopping and then met up with my Aunt Patty and her two granddaughters and ate at Chuckee Cheese! Neat place, I had never been there before, the kids had a blast. Then it was New Years.....

                                              Jacob hunting at our house for deer!
Rhea in the ball!

We had New Years/ late Christmas at Dawns house this year. There was lots of friends and family there and we had a wonderful late Christmas. New Years was also fun. Lots of  food, drinks, and laughter to go all night. It was an amazing New Year especially since I got to spend it with Jonathan, Rheanna, and Jake, my three favorite people!

The next morning we headed to deer camp. We had so much fun there! Jonathan got another doe, and Rheanna was with him in the stand this time to watch! When they came back she told everyone that she shot the doe. They cleaned the deer and we called it an early night. The next morning we got up, ate breakfast, and starting splitting wood. Meanwhile the kids played and shot their guns. The next thing we knew here comes Kevin and all the kids carrying these HUGE raccoons! And then there came Rheanna carrying this BIG raccoon all by herself! She thought it was the coolest thing! Uncle Billy cleaned the raccoons and Rheanna got to keep the hid to it. Which she had to take home! I was not about to stick that raccoon in our car, so Dad put it in his trailer and carried it home for us! He is such a good Mo/Grandpa! (Mom has lots of pictures of deer camp, I will post them later.)

Well I could just carry on and on. But I don't want to write a book! haha! I hit the highlights of our holidays and now we can get back to the normal posts. Without have to catch everyone up again!
Until next time.....God Bless!