Monday, December 6, 2010


We had a great weekend! My Mom picked up the kids Friday from school, she had to go make a 'deposit' at the bank. Little did they know Santa would be there...Mom said as soon as they walked in Rheanna ran to Santa and sat on his lap. Jake on the other hand didn't want to have anything to do with Santa, he clung to Mom's leg and wouldn't let go! LOL! She said he finally let go and inch by inch made his way to Santa. She got a few pictures of them, but every one of them Jake is not smiling he is just looking out the corner of his eye to see were Santas hand is at! Very cute and funny! ( When my Mom learns how to download pictures from her camera to the computer, I will post them!) I may just have to go download them myself, I've showed her many times and she still doesn't get it! Hmm....maybe I should write down instructions and then tape it to the computer, maybe that will help! (She is going to kill me for saying that! haha!)

Anywho, Mom dropped off the kids later and we made steaks and french fries. I had brought home some boxes from work so the kids could play in them outside, which was fun until they broke one! We also built a fire and sat around it. Jake was getting tired and so was I, so we decided to turn in for the night. However Rheanna and Jonathan were not ready for bed. So they stayed outside and talked til almost 11:30!!! Even though it was late, I was happy they stayed up and talked. Rhea has been acting up and for her and Daddy to sit up and talk late was pretty neat to her. It was the father/daughter time they have been needing. I thought it was great, Rheanna is getting older and isn't a little girl anymore and Jonathan sure realized that, that night. (She is into that age were everything is like, whatever, and Oh my god, like you know what I mean!) Haha! I can still remember those days, when no one was right and I knew everything. And my Mom still makes fun of me today because I use to always say with hand motions " Whatever, major loser, like hello get a grip!!!!" Haha!

Saturday was a very eventful, stressing, great, angry, happy kinda day. If that made any kind of sense. We went to Breakfast with Santa in Tation, it was nice, but we kinda just eat breakfast saw Santa for a minute and then left. We still had to get ready for our family pictures in Sugarland at 1:00. So we came home, changed, did Rheannas hair and mine, make-up, and made sure everything was packed and ready to go. And off we headed to Sugarland we got there just on time. I had booked an appointment with them 2 weeks in advance, and when we got there they said they were running 45mins. to an hour behind schedule! I didn't let it phase me, I just told them to call me when it was our turn, we were going to go shop for a while. Finally they called and we took our pictures around 2:15. The kids did a great job, especially for being tired and hungry, and the pictures turned out great! After waiting and trying to decide what pictures we wanted, we didn't leave Sugarland til probably 4:45. The kids and Jonathan were tired and hungry and really ready to GO HOME!! I would love to post all of them but I will only post one of them, since some of the others are going to be a few peoples Christmas presents.

We spent more money than I wanted to that day, but we got lots of pictures and at a pretty good deal.
Overall we accomplished lots of things I wanted to get done. Now its just the waiting game till Christmas!
Until next time......God Bless!

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