Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Little Overview..

So there I was a normal 21 about to be 22yr. old, having the time of my life,(or so I thought I was) partying, not having a care in the world, and working just to pass the time. When....BAM! I met Jonathan one night, we talked for hours on end, and something just drew me to him. First thing off he told me he had kids, which was fine with me, I come from a HUGE family I have 4 aunts and 6 uncles plus their spouses and roughly 30-35 immediate cousins that is just on one side of the family!! But then I had to stop and think he has 2 kids, that is a big responsibility, am I really ready for that??? But I went with the flow and sure glad I did....Since the day I met Jonathan and the kids we have been inseparable. Jonathan is my best friend, I tell him everything, things I wouldn't tell people in a million years he knows, and still loves me. God couldn't have made a more perfect match for me.  And the kids, I love the kids more than anything in this world! Its funny how you can fall in love with them so quickly!

Now on to the quick details, Jonathan is divorced and has custody of both Rheanna and Jake. They see their Mother every so often. Both Jonathan and the kids have been through a lot. But the way they live their life with such laughter and happiness you would never have known it. Jonathan and I are still friends with the mothers side of the family, especially their Aunt Dawn, she has kids around the same age as Rheanna and Jake so they love to go and play with them. It may seem weird to some that I can hang out with their mothers side of the family but they seem to enjoy my company just as much as I enjoy theirs.

On to the catch up game.....I started working at El Campo Spraying around the same time me and Jonathan started dating. I always share what we did with the kids over the weekend and little funny things the kids say here and there with my fellow co-worker Cherie. She is always on my butt about getting a journal and writing all the things we've done, things the kids say, and mainly our 'adventures' down. So here's to you Cherie this is my journal.

Quick Review of everything so far:  Went to the beach, Fished in a Family Fishing Tournament where Jake won 2nd place in the kids division! Me and my family took Jonathan and the kids to Schlitterbahn ( their first time ever to go) they had a blast!!, Spent many days and evenings out at Uncle Billy and Aunt Carries pond fishing and swimming, Spent the weekend at deer camp ( which the kids love to go to, especially Jake), Rheanna attended Vacation Bible school, and I helped Jonathan to get the kids Baptisted at St. Philips Church. We had a great summer!

Then school started Rheanna started at a new school--Hutchins she is in the 2nd grade--. Jacob started  Pre-K this year at Methodist Child Care. Rheanna is doing really well in her classes, actually she's an above average student! So proud of her! Jake is enjoying Pre-K as well. He has been learning a lot!

Well this looks like a good stopping point.....We will be headed out to deer camp this weekend so I know I will come back with many stories to tell. Until then....God Bless!

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