Monday, November 15, 2010

A Deer Camp Weekend

Well we had a GREAT weekend!!!! Deer camp was awesome as always, and we got to see some really nice deer!! The kids had a blast! Jake and Rhea had their own little camp and fire, which Rheanna decorated with wire and some Christmas lights she found. Jake pulled every truck and tractor out to play with, although he pulls them all out he still just plays with a stick or broom or anything besides the toys. He is a character and has a personality on him like no other. He can be very serious, and the next moment he is cracking jokes. Rheanna had everything fixed up their 'camp', she wants things to be done her way, and won't take no for an answer! She is a good kid, hardheaded, but a sweet little girl.

The kids got to sit in the deer stand with Vicki. They love to ride on the top of the Jeep. They think it is the coolest thing! Rhea had to bring a BB gun along in the stand, "you know in case we see something I can shoot", she is bound and determined to kill a bird before the end of the season!

Sunday we packed up and headed to So and Mo's House, ( that is what Jake and Rhea call my parents).  We walked in and my Mom was baking, so of course Jake has to help. We found a camo chef hat and he put it on, his job was to roll out the dough. I got a few pictures of him that I will post later. My Dad made us fried and grilled fish. It was yummy!! We helped clean up and then headed to our house!

Oh, it sure was nice to be home, the kids played with their cousins for a while and then we all had to get ready for church. Rheanna is really starting to be more girly,( remind you she was raised by Jonathan, and she is the only girl in the entire Eide family) I had their clothes picked out already, so as soon as they got out of the shower, they could change. Rheanna had a really cute outfit on and she said she wanted her hair down and straighten and to have make-up. So I straighten her hair, now for the make-up, she said she wanted everything that I put on. (All I wear is powder, eyeliner, and mascara. Literally it takes me 5-7 minutes and I'm done with my make-up) As I put it on her, I show and explain to her how to put it on. So I put the powder on, next was eyeliner I told she isn't allowed to wear that until she is 14, and then mascara I put mine on and then barely put some on her. I told her she can get her own mascara next time we are at the store. ( I really hope they still make that clear mascara, they had it when I was a kid.) She thought she was the coolest kid on the block. OH wait! I forgot about the jewelry she had to wear as well. She was so cute!

We then preceded to church, which was great, the kids were well behaved and Jake was so wore out he slept half way through it. We then went to Wal-Mart where we all admired the Christmas decorations and talked about what we were going to do for our decorations. And yes we walked out of Wal-Mart with only the medicine we came there for. No Toys or Junk!

We had a great weekend! And boy it sure is getting cold, its that time! Thanksgiving and then Christmas is right around the corner. Until next time.......God Bless!

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