Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Uncle Mikey's 21st Birthday!

Last Friday April 5th 2013 Michael Orsak Jr. turned 21!! Yes, you read it right! 21! Who would have thought?! Any who, Mikey called us and said that we were all going to meet at Los Cucos and have supper together for his Birthday! That sounded mighty good to me! We all met up at Los Cucos at 7:00 and of course everyone else was already there when we got there, Mom, Dad, Mikey, Patricia, and Patricia's parents. We had a great meal and all the guys had the drinks flowing. Yum! Sure wish I could of had one! LOL! Of course we had to tell the waitstaff it was his birthday! We had a nice evening with great food and laughs! Happy Birthday Uncle Mikey!!

Someones embarrassed!


Rhea, So, & Jake

Patricia got in on the fun too!

Rhea didn't want to be left out either!

Silly Mo and Jake!
Overall I think Mikey really enjoyed his Birthday! Happy Birthday Uncle Mikey! Your no longer So & Mo's baby boy!

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