Friday, April 12, 2013

28 Weeks and Growing...

So Monday I had my glucose test. I got to the doctors office at 8:00, I was then sent to the lab to drink a nice little orange drink, which by the way was not bad at all! Everyone states just how yucky these drinks are but it really didn't taste too bad. It was very sweet but did leave aftertaste that wasn't too pleasant. Once I drank the juice the ladies told me to come back in an hour. So I had an hour to waste. I didn't want to sit at the doc office just waiting, so I made to a quick trip to the local Wal-Mart. I figured I could get some walking done while there and check out some baby items and do some price checks. After walking around Wal-Mart as long as I could I headed back to the clinic. They drew blood in both arms! Ouch! Afterwards I headed in to see my doc. He checked the heartbeat which is still a strong beat of 155! And he felt around on my tummy to make sure I was growing and so was the baby. "Yep!" he said, "You are definitely growing, already up to your ribs! The baby is still head up which is not a big deal he still has plenty of time to turn down. And right now he is probably doing a lot of moving around anyways." The doc's office called me the following day and said I passed my glucose test but needed to take an additional iron pill.
Jonathan wasn't able to go with me to this appt. which was fine, he has been to every other appt. My next appt. is April 29th. This is when the doc said we will find out exactly how big the baby is and he will be categorized as a small or big baby, etc. Then after this appt. I will go to see him every other week until the baby is born! Getting close! I am really excited for our next appt. I can't wait to see Parker! I am really hoping to get a profile pic this time! I think he is going to be a 'big' baby! But only time will tell! We have also opted out of getting a 3D Ultrasound done. Jonathan said since we already know its a boy it should be a surprise as to what he looks like! I am totally down with that!

28 weeks and 4 days!

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