Thursday, March 7, 2013

Jakes 7th Birthday!

Yesterday was Jacobs 7th Birthday! My little man is growing up so fast! I can't believe he is 7 already, seems like just the other day he was 4! He is becoming a young man so fast but nothing can take away his wonderful personality. He is my social butterfly and loves to talk. He doesn't like being by himself and is always surrounded by people. Sundays he is rarely at our house, he goes over to the neighbors (Mrs. Lori and Dwayne). Their grand kids are usually there every Sunday and he loves to play with all the kids. Every time I go to visit with them they have some crazy and silly story to tell me about what Jake did or said. He is smart as a whip and has done excellent this year in school. (I think he just needed the extra time to mature and get use to a school schedule.) He reads to me every night when doing his homework. Sometimes he gets bored of reading the same ole' books, as he says, but I have to remind him its only helping him remember all his words! He still gives us greats laughs almost everyday. He can make anyone smile just by giving them the Jake look. Ok, I have a short story to tell.....The other day after supper I had retired to my recliner and Jonathan on the couch. Jake came into the living room after brushing his teeth and started dancing and acting silly. Looking at Jake I said, "Oh lord, you mean to tell me we are having another one of those." Jake stopped and said, "Hey, he may not be exactly like me... he might be smart!" Jonathan and I rolled laughing. From the mouths of babes! I hope he does not grow out of his humorous ways. This is our Jake and what he has been like this past year. We look forward to seeing how he grows, matures, and learns this year as a 7 year old! Happy Birthday Jake the Snake!

We celebrated Jake's Birthday this year at Mr. Gattis with Daddy, Momma, Rheanna, Baby Parker, SoSo and Mo. This year his birthday fell on a Wednesday so after CCE we all met at Mr. Gattis and filled our tummies full of pizza. Momma made the cake and since both Rhea and Jake gave up chocolate for Lent, we had a funfetti cake with vanilla icing and sprinkles! Jake got cards from SoSo and Mo, Mrs. Lori & Dwayne, and us of course. Rhea gave him a toy alligator and pencil. Daddy and Momma gave him a Nintendo DSI. Afterwards, we played a few games and then headed home. Jake also got a few sweet calls from his Grandpa Jerry, Aunt Dawn, and Uncle JC. He may not be a great speaker on the phone but I did happen to hear him say Thank You! to each one that called.

Birthday Collage!

Last year 2012 Birthday

This year 2013 Birthday! Look how much both have changed!

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