Thursday, March 14, 2013

Another Doc Appt.

Last week we had another doc. appt. I was 23 weeks. Everything is still on track and looking good. Nothing special about this appt. although I was a little upset, I gained 9 lbs!!! Holy cow! The doc told me it was because later in pregnancy, like where I am now, your metabolism starts to slow down. He said I am probably still eating the same but my body is just processing everything slower now. Bummer!!! He suggested to slow down on carbs and eat plenty of veggies and fruit. And that if I wanted carbs like pasta, potatoes, etc. eat them earlier in the day not at night. He said it isn't affecting the baby and its not a bad thing it will just help me to lose the weight faster after I have the baby. Our next appt. is scheduled for April 8th, this when we will do the lovely glucose screening test I keep hearing about. Yay! Not!! I hope everything goes well at that appt. I really don't want to have to go back and do the 3 hr. test! That would be no fun at all! Oh, we also have a Birthing Class to attend on Sunday. It is at our hospital in Sugarland and is from 9-3:30. Jonathan isn't too thrilled about going but I think it will be greatly beneficial to me and a refresher course for him. I have also been reading about different delivery methods and also the different care methods once the baby is born. So, I am really curious as to what is all going to be taught at this class. We have a semi-birthing plan in the works but are waiting to really finalize it after this class. I am really looking forward to it, if you can't already tell!

On other note, we are almost completely done on Parker's room. Grandma Drapela and Aunt Mary Kay finished the bedding and it looks AWESOME!! I love it all! As soon as I got home I put it all together! Everything is coming together and is looking fabulous! Here is a pic of the bedding:

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