Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Christmas Day 2012

Christmas is here! Christmas is here! I love Christmas just for the simple fact of seeing joy on everybody's face. It was the day our Savior was born and what a better way to celebrate! This Christmas was wonderful and so glad we got to spend it in our new home! The kids received LOTS of gifts and we got some too! For warning in the following pics, my son does not like to wear pants and sleeps in his underwear everynight. So for the next few pics disregard him in his underwear. He was too excited to put any pants on! Boys will be boys!!

Rhea and Jake Christmas morning
Rhea got a new book

And Rollerblades

Jake got new Boots

Rheas favorite Chips

Jacobs Build-a-Motor

Rhea's new Boombox. Lord help us!

Finally got a Wii

Jacob got Spongebob's Ants in the Pants

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