Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Baby's Room

So, for the past few weeks we have been working on the baby's room. The room before was our junk/storage/suppose to be office, that was until we found out we were expecting! Since then we have cleaned out the room and organized all the stuff that was in it. The room needed some attention and love to it so that is what we have been doing. Everything we did in the baby room just needed to be updated to our liking. We replaced the closet doors and frame, put in baseboards, replaced trim around the windows, and replaced the bedroom door and frame. We also painted the room. I have kept Jonathan busy the past a few weekends but we are loving the outcome of the room. We also plan to change Jacob and Rheanna's closet doors and frame to the same way we did the baby's. I didn't get any pics of the room before, I know shame on me! And in the pictures below we hadn't put the closet doors in yet, they were still drying from painting. We did however manage to get the crib set up this past Sunday and it went together fairly easy! Jacob of course wanted to help and is so excited for the baby to come! I also found a changing table/dresser combo off a for sale site in Wharton county. I sanded it down and painted it white to match the other furniture as well. We are slowly making progress and I can't wait to find out if the baby is a boy or girl, then the real fun will begin, DECORATING!! The baby's room is going to be a fairly modern, up to date room. Classy and elegant. Our color scheme is gray and white and depending on what the baby is, accents of navy blue or purple/pink. Here are a few pics of the room and Daddy and Jacob putting together the crib:

Daddy putting the changing table/dresser in place.

Jacob and Daddy getting ready to put the crib together

Jacob opening the box

Such a big helper!

Daddy working on the crib! Almost done!

He put it together so fast I could only get a few pics!

Baby's Crib, just waiting on mattress and bedding!

Changing table/Dresser Combo, my bestie Jessy helped me paint!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

17 Weeks

I am a little behind on this post. I am 17 weeks along now, but our last appointment was Jan. 14th and I had just turned 16 weeks. The appointment was short and quick. Nothing really changed at all except when we were trying to hear the heartbeat the baby was moving around. The doc said he/she was squirming around but only for a second or two and then we heard the heart beat, strong and steady just like before. We discussed a few things and then were sent on our way. Our next appt. is Feb. 7th! We are so excited about this appt. we can hardly stand it! We will get to see our baby and hopefully find out the sex! We are really hoping that the baby cooperates! We are also switching things up a bit and will be having a gender reveal party! Our family friend Kris and my Aunt Carrie will be hosting the party on Feb. 9th! The invites have been sent out and I can't wait until the day comes! I just really hope that the baby will cooperate and we don't run into any problems. If so, we will have to cancel the whole party and I will be one sad Momma! :(
On a brighter note, the Doc said we are right on course and the baby seems to be healthy and happy. I haven't gained any weight at all yet, and the doc said this is fine. I am starting to see a bump finally although I feel as though I am just fat. Rhea use to tell me to eat more so that my belly would grow but just yesterday she said "Momma, you are getting bigger and that means the baby is growing!" I haven't felt any butterflies, as they call it, or movements yet. I am hoping by our next appt. I will have felt them. The kids have also really enjoyed me reading to them about the baby. Each week we read how big the baby has grown and what it is doing now. They love knowing how big it is! This week it is as big as an onion. When Jacob heard this he ran to the kitchen to grab an onion but we were all out. So I went to the store the next day and bought an onion. They carried the onion around for a while acting like it was the baby. Silly kids!
Well, I guess that about wraps it up for now. Here is the invite we sent out to our Gender Reveal Party I think Kris and Carrie did a wonderful job! Can't wait til Feb. 9th!! Rheanna wants us to have a boy and Jacob said he will be happy either way. What do you think it is?

Practice makes perfect!

This year we had planned to go see Grandpa Jerry and Jane for Christmas. We had planned to leave the day after Christmas get there at night then rest up and enjoy a few days with them. The kids were excited, especially Rheanna. She wanted to see snow so bad and get to play in it. I thought it would be great to get to spend Christmas break somewhere new and was looking very forward to it. As we got closer to Christmas it was getting harder for me to stay seated for a very long time. My tailbone ached if I sat too long and had to get up and walk around or stand for a while. So when we went to the doctor for our next appt. we asked if it would be a good idea to travel during the holidays. The doctor said that we could but I would need to get out every other hour and walk for a while, also to sit with a tempur-pedic pillow underneath me as well for extra support. After discussing this with the doctor and between ourselves, we decided it wouldn't be a good idea to go to New Mexico after all. I was really upset and told Jonathan I thought I could just lay on my side and sleep the whole way there. He wasn't buying it though. We told the kids and they were really upset as well, but they also understood it wasn't good for me to sit that long either. They decided we could all go next year so that Grandpa Jerry and Jane could see the baby as well! So glad they are understanding...well sometimes! ;)
Rheanna called Grandpa Jerry later that week and they got to visit. He had asked if she got to shoot her gun yet. (When they came down for the wedding they brought the kids Christmas gifts since they wouldn't fit in the mail or couldn't be shipped anyways. Grandpa Jerry handed down his .22 gun to Rheanna as long as she promised to take care of it and keep it in the family. She agreed.) We hadn't had time to take it to deer camp and let her practice until the week after Christmas. She was a little hesitate at first but then really got the hang of it. She did GREAT! It took Daddy a while to site the gun in but once it was sited, it shot like a champ!! Daddy taught her how to load the bullets, safety, and fire. She has a pretty good aim! She takes good care of her gun and Daddy even lets her keep it in her closet. Other day we were watching the news and saw a house get burglarized, Rhea said, "That's why I keep my gun in the closet! So in case someone tries to break in I can protect myself!" Smart little girl. We have gone over gun safety with her many times and she is probably more aware about safety than most adults out there. She would like to Thank Grandpa Jerry for giving her such a meaningful gift and most of all one she can treasure and keep for years to come! Thanks!

Loading the bullets
Take Aim...

Using her gun holder she win from the Wild Game Supper

Daddy teaching Rhea to aim

Getting ready for another round

Yea, she shoots Left handed.

Pretty good target!

Christmas Day at Grandma & Nana's Houses

Christmas Day was a day full of adventures. First, Christmas at our house in the morning. Then we headed over to Grandma Drapelas house. We got to visit with everyone and we had a special visitor, Santa!! Grandma Drapela had a full house just as always but I wouldn't have it any other way! We had a HUGE array of food and we all chowed down! The kids both liked their gifts and then we head home so I could take a nap before we headed to Nana Isaac's house. Pics below are at Grandmas Drapelas:

Rhea with Santa

All the family

Jake and Santa

Rhea and Jake with their gifts

Rhea got a beautiful new necklace

Rhea and Jake
 Next we headed to Nana Isaac's house. It had been pretty warm all day until we got to Nana's house then the cold front decided to blow in! Brrr!!! It was freezing! Nana had made some yummy green chili and regular chili so that warmed us up a bit! She also had some killer cheese dip that we couldn't stay away from. Which reminds me I was suppose to go get some of that chili to put up in the freezer! Shucks! I can't remember anything now a days. The kids got MORE presents over at Nana's house too...where do we have room for all this!?!? Nana also got a special Christmas gift from Dawn and Josh. They are too sweet! She was very excited!

Rhea and Jake getting ready to open presents

Dig in!

Braden, Hannah, Kyler, and Chase tearing through their presents!

Close your mouth Mom!

She was SO happy!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Christmas Day 2012

Christmas is here! Christmas is here! I love Christmas just for the simple fact of seeing joy on everybody's face. It was the day our Savior was born and what a better way to celebrate! This Christmas was wonderful and so glad we got to spend it in our new home! The kids received LOTS of gifts and we got some too! For warning in the following pics, my son does not like to wear pants and sleeps in his underwear everynight. So for the next few pics disregard him in his underwear. He was too excited to put any pants on! Boys will be boys!!

Rhea and Jake Christmas morning
Rhea got a new book

And Rollerblades

Jake got new Boots

Rheas favorite Chips

Jacobs Build-a-Motor

Rhea's new Boombox. Lord help us!

Finally got a Wii

Jacob got Spongebob's Ants in the Pants

Christmas Eve at So & Mo's House

Just like every other year we go to Christmas Eve Mass with my parents and brothers. This year was a little hectic because So has been working a lot! She got off work 30 minutes before Mass started, ran home took a shower, and met us up at Church. After Mass we went over to So & Mo's house to have supper and see what presents Santa had left us over there! We had a great spread of food including, fried oysters, shrimp, french fries, mac-n-cheese, coleslaw, and shrimp/crawfish etoufee. It was all very yummy, even though we didn't eat til 8:45! This Momma was hungry!! Afterwards we opened presents and everyone was delighted with what they got! Jonathan got a new button down camo shirt, and brand new waders!! Rheanna got a new cowgirl belt, pink John Deere boots, and her favorite cheetah onesies pajamas. Jacob got new camo hunting toys, telescope, and his favorite, a bull piggy bank that moo's when you put money in it. I received 3 new shirts, Snoogie pillow, and camo boots for the baby. We had a great Christmas Eve as always with lots of laughs, good food, and love to go around.  Here are some pics of Christmas Eve:

Rhea in her pretty Christmas dress

Jacobs present from Uncle JC

Rhea with her PJ's

Patricia opening her gift from Mikey

Jacob helping Mo

Jacob helping So

Opening my gift from my brothers

Rhea had to go change into her PJ's

JC opening his gifts

Baby's 1st Camo Boots

Jacob with his piggy bank in their new home! LOL! (JC's crate for Cledus)