Friday, December 21, 2012

12 Weeks

So yesterday Jonathan and I went to our 12 week appt. in Rosenberg at 3:45. They didn't have any openings in Wharton so that is why we had to travel to Rosenberg. It was nice faculty and everyone was really friendly. We didn't do much at this appt. All my blood levels looked fine and nothing was out of whack. We got to listen to the baby's heartbeat again and it was a strong, steady heartbeat! I love hearing that loud beating heart! Makes me smile every time!! :) The doc asked us a few questions and then we got to ask a few questions of concern. My main concern was my tailbone. I sit down quite a bit at work but try to get up and move around every once in a while. We also go walking every evening so I can get some exercise done too. But my tailbone hurts me a LOT! Especially when I sit for a long time but also when I move too fast. He said that it is normal and some people have it worse than others. He said that I should use a memory foam pillow to sit on and that should help with the pain. Other than that everything was good and it was a pretty fast appt. Oh, I also got my flu shot and whooping cough shot as well, one in each arm. They are both pretty sore today!! Afterwards we looked around at JCP and Home Depot until about 6 and then went an ate at the famous Gringos! It was so delicious!! I love that place! We both got our favorites. Mine is the Seafood Enchildas and Jonathan is the San Antonio Burrito. We both got so full and ate way too much! Our next appt. is in 4 weeks and I can't wait! Hopefully we will get to have an ultrasound and see our little munchkin!

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