Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Pumpkins Galore!

We finally got around to carving pumpkins the other day! Last year the kids tried helping but as soon as they stuck their hand in the pumpkin and pulled it out, it was enough for them! (They didn't like the way it felt) This year on the other hand, they both helped cut and clean the pumpkins. Rheanna was excited cause she got to use her pocket knife that Mo and So had given her for her birthday! Jacob helped just a little bit, he said that they (the pumpkins) were stinky! He was pretty much our entertainment while we carved.
Jacob wanted the scary face pumpkin this year and Rheanna wanted hers to have vampire teeth. Jonathan also got me a BIG pumpkin! I needed some practice before our wedding! (We are using pumpkins in part of our wedding decor, carving our initials in some of them.) All pumpkins turned out pretty good!! Here's a few pics!

Rhea cutting, and Jake trying to pull the top off!

Daddy had to step in and help a little bit....

Cleaning the pumpkins

Clean it out good!
Jacob.....the Entertainer!
Jake and his scary pumpkin!
Rhea with her Vampire teeth pumpkin!


The kids also decorated pumpkins with SoSo to enter in the Library's Pumpkin Contest. I thought they did an Awesome job! They didn't place but got Honorable Mention! Rheanna decorated hers like a black cat, and Jacob decorated his like a Frankenstein Gobblin!
Rhea and Jake with their decorated pumpkins!
Jake's Gobblin!
Rheas black cat!

All in all we have been pretty busy and with Deer Camp, Thanksgiving, and Christmas right around the corner it is only going to get worse! Whew! I am getting tired just thinking about it! I am excited about Deer Camp this year! Rhea might be able to shot her first animal (hog,deer,coyote,etc.)! She still needs a little practice but she is a good learner, so I'm not to worried about it!
Well Until Next Time................God Bless!

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