Monday, October 10, 2011

Pumpkin Patch 2011

We got to the Pumpkin Patch this year around 9:15, in just enough time to take a few pictures, jump on the moon bounce, and high-tail it out of there. The RAIN finally came!!!! It was AWESOME! The rain was beautiful, and thank you God for sending it our way! The kids had fun picking out their pumpkins and can't wait to carve them. They each got 2 this year, one to carve, and the other one to decorate and put in the Library's pumpkin decorating contest. I can't wait to see what both of them turn out like! Here's our photos from the Pumpkin Patch:

Rhea and Jake Fall 2011

Family Fall 2011
Brotherly, Sisterly Love!
Love this photo of them!
My favorite one! Pumpkin Patch 2011
Until Next Time......God Bless!

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