Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Halloween 2011

I know I'm a little late about getting around to our Halloween.....but like always we are busy little bees!

This year for Halloween Rheanna wanted to be a Werewolf and Jacob wanted to be a Ninja. And you know me I hate to spend more money than I have to! Both their costumes could be made with minimal effort. Rhea really wanted a mask for her costume. The mask costs $20! No way! So we put our bargain shopping minds together, and figured we could buy the paints for her face $2.00 and I could tease her hair to look like a werewolves hair. She was pretty excited about that! She also borrowed Chases' 'holy' jeans, and I found a button down flannel shirt on sale for $5! Which was a double whammy, because she can also wear the shirt at deer camp as well. Jacob on the other hand could care less what he wore as long as it looked like a Ninja! or as he would say it "Minja". All I had to do for Jacob was buy a long sleeve black shirt and some red material from the fabric department to complete his costume. 
This year Nana wanted to do Halloween early, so we had our own Halloween party Sunday night (the night before Halloween). She made green chili stew, and regular chili. They were both delicious! She wanted to see the kids dressed up in their costumes this night also. I will have to say I was a little nervous about doing Rheannas make-up for her costume. I had never really done Halloween make-up before. But it came out great and I LOVED her teased hair!!! Jacob looked pretty cool too!! We had a great time at Nana's house, the grown-ups got to sit back and relax, and the kids listened to SpOoKy music and roasted marshmallows. Here are a few pics of our Pre-Halloween Party:

Getting Rhea ready for the Halloween party! LOOK at that HAIR!!

Putting on the make-up


All ready to go!

Roasting Marshmallows
Yummy Marshmallows!
Dylan, Chase, and Kyler roasting marshmallows
Crazy kiddos!
Jacob with Nana's ghost!
We had a great Halloween! We got lots of candy! On Halloween we took Molly with us trick-or-treating which was very interesting to say the least! We ended the night at Kyle and Becca's house with Kellyn they had 'silver turtles' for supper and boy were they yummy! Overall we had a great Halloween!!!
Until Next Time.......God Bless!

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