Monday, August 8, 2011

Mommy's and Deer Camp

So Friday we planned to head out for deer camp. First we loaded everything up, and headed to Victoria to go by Sam's Club and pick up a few things. We ran in and ran out, of course by this time everyone was hungry so I stopped by Sonic and we picked up some supper. Finally we got to deer camp around 8. On the drive out there we saw lots of animals. We spotted many rabbits, an amardillo, and even a coyote, well and of course deer! We got to camp and started unloading. Once everything was unpacked. Jonathan had to run back to store in Inez. So me and the kids hung out at deer camp. When your at deer camp, anything can happen! Your imagination just runs wild! We have this chain pulley thing by our camper, they found a bucket and put the turkey decoys in it, and pulled it up. They were pretending it was a pinata, and would try to jump up and grab the turkeys. We then got a little more daring.......Rhea got in the bucket and Jacob pulled her up. She didn't get very high, but she sure did thing she was High! Judge for yourself..........

The next morning, Jacob was up bright and early! I actually got to sleep in late, Thanks to my wonderful hunny! He even made Breakfast in the morning for all of us, taquitos! Afterwards, I had to go back to Victoria to Sam's and get Aiden's birthday present! (When we were there we saw a HUGE box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch! Everytime James gets the boys the first thing Aiden does is, grab that cereal and walks around with it! He is always munching on it!) So what better present than a HUGE box of cereal! LOL! I asked Rhea if she wanted to go with me, No. Then I asked Jacob, No. Hmmm......"I don't want to go all by myself!(In a pouting voice) No one moved. I looked at Jonathan and he said "Well I guess neither one wants to go." Really! They always get mad when I go somewhere's and don't take them, now they don't want to go anywhere. So knowing my kids the way I do, I said out loud, "Well, I guess I'll just go by myself, and y'all can stay here and help Daddy work!" As soon as I said this Jacob comes running...."I'll go with you, Kimmie!" I started laughing and said "You just don't want to work, do you?" Jacob, "Well.......not really." I cracked up and told him, "Well, at least you are honest about it!"
Some more pics of the kids at deer camp:

Pretty camo girl, lounging at camp

Jacob playing with Molly

Silly Jacob, your suppose to look at the camera!

Best Buddies, Rhea and Molly
So we headed off the town. We got to Sam's and Jacob was getting out of the car when I heard him say, "Uh, Oh!" We all know that is never a good sign. As I opened the back door, Jacob looks down at his bare feet, and says, "Sorry Kimmie, I forgot!" Oh Lord! I can't leave him in the car, so into the basket he went, and into Sam's we went, bare footed in all. We got the cereal, a few extra items, an ICEE and headed back to deer camp. As we were driving down the loop around Victoria to get back on 59. Jacob is talking up a storm, asking about all the equipment on the side of the road, what is it used for?, what does it do? Normal boy questions, when he said, "Kimmie your the bestest ever!" Me: "Oh Thank you Jacob! Your too sweet!" Jacob: "Your #1 Mommy! Thats what I am going to call you now, Mommy." I was stunned, I didn't know what to really say. I said the only thing I could think of. "Thats sounds good to me, even if you just say Momma, Kimmie." Jacobs response was, "Yea, that sounds good Mommy, Kimmie." He sat in the back seat repeating himself over and over, and agreeing about it. Almost like he was talking to himself out loud. I couldn't believe, so I had to text Jonathan. Of course he didn't get the text since he was at deer camp. Later, Jacob started saying Kimmie again, just like normal. That was until the morning. I thought he had forgot about everything he said yesterday about the whole 'Mommy' thing. When we started cleaning the camper in the morning, I asked Jacob if he could come help me make the beds. "No problem Mommy, Kimmie! I will help you Mommy, Kimmie" I was surprised and kinda taken back by it again. I guess he was serious about calling me that from now on.  Which is totally ok with me. It makes my heart flutter everytime he does say it!
I had told Jonathan what he said once we got back to deer camp. He told me without hesitation, "Well, I would too if I were him. Heck, yall are together non-stop! Plus, your a great Mommy!" I love when Jonathan tells me things like this. It makes me feel so loved, and appreciated!
The rest of the weekend was Great! James, Shawn, Aiden, Dawn, and Braden came out to deer camp. Along with Uncle Billy, Roger, Dave, Tiffany, and Dylan. The kids had a blast swimming in the pond and riding on the Jeep. They played,and played, although they did have to calm down every once in a while cause it was so HOT out there. We had brought a fan out there for Molly to blow on her when she was outside. Well, Molly was hot and crawled under the camper to cool off with the fan blowing on her. Rhea decided that, that seemed like a good idea! They both were sleeping under the camper for a while, 'cooling off!'

Cooling off !
Oh yea, by the way Aiden LOVED his present! He thought it was really neat!! He walked around with the cereal pretty much until he went to bed that night!
Anyways life is great and we are taking it day by day! Can't wait for this coming weekend though. We will be headed out to Palacios for the Annual Fishing Tournament!! Whoop! So excited! Hopefully we will win something again this year!
Daddy with all the kiddos, coming out to the pond

James showing Shawn how to tie a square knot

Being silly!

Until Next time, God Bless!

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