Thursday, December 16, 2010

Winter Wonderlands!!!!!!!!

Since I last posted we have done quiet a few things. And just like always we are still buzzing busy little bee's!!! Which will only get worse as the holidays get closer. Although I think we might get a little break this weekend! Yippie!

Friday, was a super busy day. After work I went straight home and started fixing Rheanna hair, and doing little finishing touches on her outfit. And and always trying to get myself dressed and ready to go as well. We had to hurry to do this all, since we were suppose to leave at 5:30, and I don't get off of work until 5!! But we did it! We jumped in the car with my Mom, Mikey (my brother), Miranda (his girlfriend), and her Mom and sister, and headed to the Wortham Theather in Houston to see the Nutcracker! With only one wrong turn and me getting them back on track we made it to the Theather just on time. Our seats were good and in a great spot as always. Rheanna looked so beautiful, and was very excited about everything! As the ballet started Rheanna kept moving cause she couldn't see. So I quietly made her sit with me on my seat. As we sat there watching the ballet, I got a little emotional. Here I am doing all the same things my Mom and Dad did with me. It is so special that I get to share that with Rheanna. The way she was just so 'lit' up about everything was amazing! It makes me happy to see her so happy! Then came intermission....we got up to walk around and take a few pictures.

                                         Rheanna in front of the HUGE Gingerbread house!

                                              Me and Rhea in front of the Christmas tree

                                                 Rheanna standing by the orchestra and stage

                                    Our view from our seats, we were at the bottom level, middle in the back

Then the ballet started again...she really enjoyed it! Afterwards we looked at the gift shop and I bought Rheanna and Jake a nutcracker keepsake ornament for the tree. We left and finally got back home LATE!
The next morning we got up and started getting ready for Christmas at Uncle Grants house. I had already wrapped every ones presents with the exception of what the kids were going to give them....We made cookies for both Uncles. First Jake made his, and then Rheanna. They did an awesome job, with very little help from me. We made it to Grants house around 3. It was nice to spend time with him before everyone else showed up. It was a nice evening, with lots of good food and family. Everyone enjoyed their presents and I was happy to see a smile on every ones face.

                                          Baking cookies for Uncle Grant and Uncle James

                            Rheanna, Aiden, Shawn, and Jacob at Uncle Grants house for Christmas!

                                               Rhea tearing into her presents.

                                                Jacob opening his presents.

                                          Me, Aiden, and Rhea playing Hedbanz that Uncle Grant
                                         got her. Super cool and fun game!!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

JACOB MATTHEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I wasn't going to post today, but I had to post some things that Jake told me last night and this morning!

First off, Mary Ann messaged me yesterday and said that Jacob got his card pulled at school yesterday. She asked him if he was talking to a friend and he said, No I was talking to my teacher! She asked him what he said and he said he couldn't remember. So..when I got home yesterday I made him sit down and talk to me. Needless to say he didn't want to talk or tell me anything, and just kept whining. Finally he told me that he got his card pulled, I asked him why? he said that he didn't pull it his teacher did! Me: Well why did she pull your card? Jacob: Cause I was talking to her. Me: What did you say to her? Jacob: Well, I told her I didn't like her! Cause she was being mean! As I chuckled  to myself I asked why was she being mean, were you not listening? Jacob: No, I wasn't listening. Me: Jacob, we do not do that at school or anywhere for that matter. That behavior is unacceptable and ugly. Are you suppose to be ugly to people? Jacob: No Mam' Me: That's right we do not behave that way, So tomorrow you will apologize to your teacher and tell her I'm sorry Mrs. Carlee for pulling my card, my behavior was unacceptable. Jacob: Yes Mam' I not do it again. We then preceded to go on with our normal evening. He was fine after that, being his normal self again. We were sitting outside and he was justa talking away! He then started saying JONNY, JONNY, JONNY!!! I asked him who is Jonny? He told me that Jonny was a man that lived in our Christmas lights outside, but he is very tiny, so you can't see him. I began to laugh and he just kept going on about Jonny, that he lives in the lights and is very tiny and moves from light to light. (We have the chasing lights on our house.) The things he comes up with, I swear! We finished our evening with the kids watching a movie, and went to bed.

So this morning when we were getting ready I asked him what was he going to do today? He said tell Mrs. Carlee he was sorry. I was glad that he remembered! We got in the car and headed on our way to school. The kids were trying to find frost on the ground and I asked him again. Me: Jacob, what are you going to do when you get to school? He response, which still cracks me up was... Jacob: Tell my teacher I'm sorry, I will do it after you leave though! I laughed and said No, you will do it when I'm there. Jacob: Well, alright.
I laughed so hard after I dropped him off at school. He is a smart little whip, he thought he could get away with it!!! He did apologize to his teacher, and everything he told at home he didn't even do. His teacher said that he was not listening and kept spinning around in his chair, and wouldn't sit still. That is why he got his card pulled.

This is an older pic, but you will get the jist of what I'm talking about!

I swear that child is going to keep me laughing till I'm old and gray! He reminds me so much of my brother J.C., he is the same way! Little things he says and even the way he carries himself is like a spittin' image of JC. So JC if you ever want to have kids just look at Jacob's attitude and the way he is, your kid will be the same way, if not worse. Mom always told me just wait til you have kids, remember all the things you did, it is going to be payback!!! And sometimes I see that! Err....Moms are always right! I'm just dreading when Rheanna gets older, Jake I'm not so worried about, but Rheanna is a girl and things are different for girls, I would know! All the things I did, Heck! She won't even be able to leave the house!!! LOL! Well my Mom did a darn good job with us, hopefully I can follow in her footsteps! I least I'm going to try!

Well Until next time.......God Bless!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010


We had a great weekend! My Mom picked up the kids Friday from school, she had to go make a 'deposit' at the bank. Little did they know Santa would be there...Mom said as soon as they walked in Rheanna ran to Santa and sat on his lap. Jake on the other hand didn't want to have anything to do with Santa, he clung to Mom's leg and wouldn't let go! LOL! She said he finally let go and inch by inch made his way to Santa. She got a few pictures of them, but every one of them Jake is not smiling he is just looking out the corner of his eye to see were Santas hand is at! Very cute and funny! ( When my Mom learns how to download pictures from her camera to the computer, I will post them!) I may just have to go download them myself, I've showed her many times and she still doesn't get it! Hmm....maybe I should write down instructions and then tape it to the computer, maybe that will help! (She is going to kill me for saying that! haha!)

Anywho, Mom dropped off the kids later and we made steaks and french fries. I had brought home some boxes from work so the kids could play in them outside, which was fun until they broke one! We also built a fire and sat around it. Jake was getting tired and so was I, so we decided to turn in for the night. However Rheanna and Jonathan were not ready for bed. So they stayed outside and talked til almost 11:30!!! Even though it was late, I was happy they stayed up and talked. Rhea has been acting up and for her and Daddy to sit up and talk late was pretty neat to her. It was the father/daughter time they have been needing. I thought it was great, Rheanna is getting older and isn't a little girl anymore and Jonathan sure realized that, that night. (She is into that age were everything is like, whatever, and Oh my god, like you know what I mean!) Haha! I can still remember those days, when no one was right and I knew everything. And my Mom still makes fun of me today because I use to always say with hand motions " Whatever, major loser, like hello get a grip!!!!" Haha!

Saturday was a very eventful, stressing, great, angry, happy kinda day. If that made any kind of sense. We went to Breakfast with Santa in Tation, it was nice, but we kinda just eat breakfast saw Santa for a minute and then left. We still had to get ready for our family pictures in Sugarland at 1:00. So we came home, changed, did Rheannas hair and mine, make-up, and made sure everything was packed and ready to go. And off we headed to Sugarland we got there just on time. I had booked an appointment with them 2 weeks in advance, and when we got there they said they were running 45mins. to an hour behind schedule! I didn't let it phase me, I just told them to call me when it was our turn, we were going to go shop for a while. Finally they called and we took our pictures around 2:15. The kids did a great job, especially for being tired and hungry, and the pictures turned out great! After waiting and trying to decide what pictures we wanted, we didn't leave Sugarland til probably 4:45. The kids and Jonathan were tired and hungry and really ready to GO HOME!! I would love to post all of them but I will only post one of them, since some of the others are going to be a few peoples Christmas presents.

We spent more money than I wanted to that day, but we got lots of pictures and at a pretty good deal.
Overall we accomplished lots of things I wanted to get done. Now its just the waiting game till Christmas!
Until next time......God Bless!