Friday, April 29, 2011

*Easter Weekend*

Well we had an AWESOME Easter Weekend! Friday both Jonathan and I got off of work early. We went by his Moms and raked up her leaves for her. Talk about leaves galore!!! I didn't think we would ever get all the leaves. Afterwards we went to the pond, and swam. Dawn and her kiddos came out there as well! Once it started getting later we all headed to Uncle Billy and Aunt Carrie's Crawfish Boil. There were LOTS of yummy crawfish and drinks to go around! Everyone had a blast! Rheanna went home with Dawn and Jacob was fast asleep with all the commotion still going on at 9:00.

Saturday Jonathan, Jacob and I loaded up the car and headed down to Hollywood Bottom. (Dawn and all the other kiddos were coming down there later.) Jacob has been on a 'visiting' spree here lately. Everyday he will ask "Kimmie I want to go visit somebody!" Me: " Well, who are you going to visit?" Jacob: "I dont' know, lets just start walking and find somebody..." LOL! That boy just cracks me up! So before we left to go to Hollywood Bottom we just HAD to stop by and visit Aribel. Jacob just had to know how she has been doing since he "missed Aribel so much!" (Aribel is Courtney and Josh's daughter, they are neighbors down the road from us.) We stopped by there but Aribel wasn't home! Oh well, like Jacob said, "We live right down the road, we can always come back!" So we headed to the river. Once we got there the water was clear as can be and the sand felt good between our toes. It was great! We set up around the bend of the river, where me and Jake went exploring. We found a trail that went up into the woods, and then lead us to the front of the park grounds! It was so neat we called it our 'short cut'.

Jacob on the short cut we found!

Jacob going down the steep way to get to the river!
Don't fall!!

"Come on Kimmie!!!"

We made it down safely!!

Then everyone else showed up!!

Me and Jake building a sand castle and decorating the outside with shells!


The next morning we got up and went to 9:00 Easter Mass. The church was just beautiful! Flowers adorned the altar and lector stands and just everywhere! After church the kids checked their Easter baskets at home. Jacob was thrilled to see gummi bears in his basket, and Rheanna got 3 chocolate Easter bunnies! Then we headed to Grandma Drapelas house!! Where there is always an adventure just waiting to happen with ALL my crazy family! We had lots of fun and Rhea was so happy to see Cassidy and Patty! We ate lots of yummy food and then it was off to the front yard for the Easter Egg Hunt!!

Here is the group that Jake and Rheanna were in! We have such a big family there has to be 3 group of kids for the Easter Egg Hunt!

                              And they're off!! Go Rhea! Go Jake!!

They got lots and lots of eggs!! (At our Easter we only put candy in a few eggs the rest our filled with notes, like 'go see Grandma Drapela, or see Aunt Linda for a prize!) Its different but so much more fun! Who needs all that candy anyway!

Jacob and Daddy reading the note together!

This is why I only give them 1 thing in their Easter basket. Look how full their Easter baskets are now!! At least they are good outside toys, not those cheap ones!!  LOL!

Our family Easter pic! (Notice only me and Jake are wearing sunglasses! LOL!)

I have a short story to tell before any more pictures!! We bought Jacob some sunglasses cause he kept wanting to wear Daddy's sunglasses. I think it was the best $7 investment EVER!! He loves his sunglasses and even wanted to wear them to bed! Silly boy! Anyhow, we were at my Grandma Drapelas talking to one of my cousins, Michelle. She asked Jacob "Jacob can I borrow your sunglasses I left mine in the house?" Jacob: Looking at her crazy. Michelle: "Jacob, its really bright out here in the sun!" Jacob: "Well, go stand in the shade then!!!"    This was one of those Jacob moments.....priceless!!! LOL!

Oh yes! Yes we did have a pinata!! LOL!

After Grandmas Drapelas we headed over to the kids Great Grandma "Nana's" house! They were so excited that we showed up! I didn't think we were going to be able to make it at first, so when I knew we were going to have enough time, we just showed up and surprised them!!

                                           Almost everyone that was at Nana's house!

                                           The kids also hunted Easter eggs at Nana's house too!

                                                             Rheanna with all her eggs!

         Jacob wasn't to sure about the eggs from Nana's house. All her eggs were real, hard-boiled and dyed eggs! I peeled one for him, he ate a few bites and then told me I could have the rest! LOL!

Overall we had a GREAT weekend!! Now its time we get ready for the Fair! I am so excited!!

Until next time......God Bless!

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