Thursday, January 12, 2012

Christmas with Uncle Grant

It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating Christmas and here it is again!!! This year we celebrated Christmas at Uncle Grants house 2 weeks before. We really enjoy getting to spend time with him, since he doesn't come down very often. The kids love going to his house, cause as they say "Its so nice in his house...". LOL! All the kids got a Nerf gun from Uncle Grant, which is pretty cool but those disc/darts really do hurt! (I got hit in the butt with one!) Haha!

Rhea, Shawn, Jake, and Aiden

Look at the candy they got in their stockings!

Wow! A Nerf gun!

Rhea trying to get the gun out!

Thanks Uncle Grant!

Love this picture of them two!
We had a great Christmas with Uncle Grant! And Grant also got 3rd place for his Christmas Decor. Here are a few pics of his house.
Picture from the road

Picture from in the yard
We always enjoy getting together with the family!

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