Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Get Well Soon.....I need some HELP!!

Everyone gets sick at one time or another. These are all times no one likes. You are tired, unmotivated, feeling down right wore out, and just want to be left alone. On the other hand, your spouse, mom, dad, or even sister and brothers feel the same way. What I'm referring to is the way my family works. Jonathan and I work as a team on everything from keeping the house clean, to bills, to staying in tune with the kids. So when one of us falls behind, we all fall behind....
This past weekend we went down to deer camp. On the way down there Jonathan started coughing and thought maybe he might be getting sick. And yes indeed he was! Sunday when we came home he curled up on the couch and tried to sleep, and he kept saying that he was cold. (This is not normal at all for him. He is always on the go.) Later we went to Church and afterwards went and ate at Mr.Gatti's Pizza. I knew that something was up, cause Jonathan always goes back for 2nd, 3rd, and even sometimes 4th's. When we left he said to hurry home he wasn't feeling well. When we got to the house, he went to the bathroom, but never returned. So I tucked the kids in bed, we said our prayers, and gave them goodnight hugs and kisses. When I got to our room, Jonathan was underneath all the blankets and had another one on top of him with the heater blowing right on him!  As I climbed into bed I touched his forehead, he was BURNING up, sweating like crazy, but kept telling me he was sooo COLD! He got so hot during the night I had to take his temperature. I was afraid he was getting too hot! I didn't get hardly any sleep that night, til right about 12:30 his fever broke. Then I finally went to bed. And this is how it all began.........

The next day was even worse! When I got home from work, he just looked horrible. So he just laid on the couch the whole afternoon and night. I made him get up to eat and take a shower, but that was all he was willing to do. Which leads me to this case.......Jonathan and I are a team. We do everything together. Therefore we each help keep the house clean. Jonathan washes dishes, takes out the trash, and cleans the kitchen. I do all the laundry, sweep and mop all floors, and keep everything else around the house tidy. With him being sick, this put a halt to everything! I was so behind on laundry, dishes, floors, and etc. Not to mention I have to attended to Rheanna and Jake, and make sure Jonathan is ok. This has been one heck of a week! It would be different if I stayed at home all day, but that would be to easy now, wouldn't it! I am so ready to get my team mate back! I finally got the kitchen cleaned, and somewhat have caught up on the laundry, and as for the floors....that is a never ending job when you have kids!!! Thanks to Jonathan's Mom I was able to accomplish all these things last night. She had made us some WONDERFUL potato soup! It was delish! After getting all this done last night I was wore out, so I hit the sack!

Crying, screaming, crying, crying, crying at 2:30 this morning is what I awoke to. I jumped up out of bed and went to see what was wrong...possibly a bad dream, or just someone scared.......what I arrived to was the one thing I didn't want to happen.........Jacob was crying and saying he was hot, I felt him and he was burning up! NO! Not him too! And....yes, now Jacob is sick! What a night! Luckily Jonathan had heard him and woke up too. So I told Jake to go lay on the couch with Daddy. I gave him a cold wet wash cloth and he finally dozed off. That is until 5:30 when he woke up again and started the whole routine over. Once again Jonathan was up getting ready for work, so he was able to calm him down and give him some medicine.

As you can see Jonathan is starting to feel better, so I'm starting to get my teammate back again!!! Yay! But he is still sick, at least I getting some help though. This has been a tough week and I am so ready for the weekend. Maybe...just maybe..I can get to sleep the whole night on Friday. I am going to pray that I do, and that everyone FULLY recovers, so we can get back to normal life! I miss our normal routine of playing til supper is done, then bathes, tucking them into to bed, saying our prayers, and hitting the sack, with no sickness or crying! I also miss all the help, you never know how much one another does, until its gone!

As for me and Rheanna we are doubling up on Vitamin C. Rheanna has also been a big help since the boys have gotten sick. She has helped put away all the groceries, and even helped me semi-clean the kitchen. Very proud of her, for not getting frustrated about not getting all the attention. I think she finally realizes we need help too every once in a while.

Until Next time......God Bless and Take Care!

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